IPM4Bees Videos
IPM4Bees Field Day
With funding from the North Central IPM Center, the IPM4Bees Midwest Working Group is meeting for the first time, bringing together bee researchers, extension agents, graduate students, and other stakeholders to discuss IPM challenges faced across the region. The primary goal of the working group is to foster communication and collaboration in the Midwest over both agricultural and apicultural IPM strategies that impact honey bee and native bee health. As a result, best management practices for bee IPM in the region will be identified and participating institutions will be equipped with standardized best practice recommendations to offer farmers and beekeepers in the Midwest.
How to check for varroa mite: SUGAR SHAKE
In this quick one minute video Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair demonstrate how to perform a sugar shake to monitor varroa mites in your honey bee hive.
How to check for varroa mite: ALCOHOL WASH
In this quick one minute video Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair (Iowa State University) demonstrate how to perform an alcohol wash to monitor varroa mites in your honey bee hive.
How to check for varroa mite: ETHER ROLL
In this quick one minute video Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair (Iowa State University) demonstrate how to perform an ether roll to monitor varroa mites in your honey bee hive.
Improving Bee Health: Combining Crop Production and Conservation
Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair (Iowa State University) discuss their research project and give you an inside look at their combining crop production and conservation research with honey bees and Iowa native bees.