ISU Beekeeping Handouts
Protecting Bees in Iowa
Beekeepers and commercial pesticide applicators play important roles in protecting Iowa's bees. This publication outlines actions both groups can take to reduce the risks to bees that benefit Iowa's agroecosystem.
The Sweet Lives of Honey Bees
This colorful, interactive infographic provides a look into the life of a honey bee. Beekeeper Ben guides readers through information on beehives, types of honey bees, bee jobs, planting flowers for bees and harvesting honey.
Created through a partnership between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Honey Producers Association.
Beekeeping Enterprise Budget
The United States is a net importer of honey, and opportunities exist to add beekeeping to a small farm, acreage or urban ag setting. Honey, beeswax, pollen, queen rearing, package bees and pollination services all provide opportunities for revenue. Many beekeepers start out small, with two to four colonies, and grow their operation after some experience managing hives.
Available in both English and Spanish.