Working Groups

The Iowa Pollinator Working Group
To help meet the challenge of protecting pollinators, several faculty and staff at Iowa State University (ISU) and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship formed the Iowa Pollinator Conservation Working Group (IPCWG) in 2013. This group reflects a partnership with colleagues and stakeholders from across the state. Members include scientists and educators with a focus on pest management, and members studying novel ways to conserve pollinators and other insects within an agricultural landscape.
The IPM4Bees Midwest Working Group
With funding from the North Central IPM Center, the goal of IPM4Bees Midwest Working Group is to promote collaboration between bee researchers, educators, and apiary inspectors and discuss IPM challenges faced across the region. The primary goal of the working group is to foster communication and collaboration in the Midwest over both agricultural and apicultural IPM strategies that impact honey bee and wild bee health. As a result, best management practices for bee IPM in the region will be identified and participating institutions will be equipped with standardized best practice recommendations to offer farmers and beekeepers in the Midwest.